10 Companies That Have The Best Brand Voices

A company’s brand voice is how they sound to their consumers. It’s their verbal brand. The perfect complement to a visual brand. A must-have component of a solid brand strategy. Where messaging meets branding. Click here to see why your brand voice is one of the most important investments you can make in the future of your business’s marketing. 

And when it comes to brand voice. Some companies nail it. Specifically, these 10 companies. I’ve scoured the Internet and found my 10 favorite brand voices you’ll want to check out. These companies did it RIGHT and I can’t wait to tell you why they’re using their voice to make waves (and sales) in their industries. 

Plus, after each company I highlight, I’ll show you something from my portfolio that matches the voice of the featured company. Ya know, just in case you’re copywriter shopping. 

Best in Food: Goodles

Okay, real talk, their designer deserves all of the awards because this website is wow. But if you take your time to actually read through this website, you’ll notice fun puns, concise sentences, clear descriptions, and direct (cute) call-outs to you– the goodle eater. This makes this brand voice witty, playful, and positive. All things you want when you’re diving into cheesy goodness. 

Lucy’s Playful Portfolio Project: Create and Coordinate 

Best in Tech: Apple

This tech giant has a way with words. Or rather, a lack thereof. I’ll often talk about concise copy being the gold standard, but Apple takes that to a new level. Usually making its point in under 3 words, Apple rocks the confident, cool, calm brand voice that lets you spend thousands on a phone (with ease!). 

Lucy’s Confident Portfolio Project: Barb Hawken Wellness 

Best in Skincare: Drunk Elephant

Just one look at Drunk Elephant’s website and you’ll realize they are not your typical ‘fade fine lines with our mountain water’ skincare brand. They use humor, wit, and a touch of controversy brilliantly to create this bold brand that makes you smile. Their brand voice is quirky, smart, and unapologetic. And every product perfectly captures ALL of these adjectives. 

Lucy’s Bold Portfolio Project: Cake Money 

Hey hey! Let’s pause. Feeling inspired by all of these brand voices? Craft your own using my Brand Voice Template. 

Best in Drinks: Liquid Death

Murder Your Thirst. Sell Your Soul. No, we’re not doing a Satanic ritual or going into a dimly lit tattoo shop in an alley. We’re drinking water. This brand brilliantly crafts a dark, moody, and edgy voice for the most common product on the planet. And their brand voice is definitely differentiated from all of those minimalist cans that boast strawberry collagen in every sip. 

Lucy’s Edgy Portfolio Project: Liz Stewart Photo

Best in Coaching: Sabrina Philipp

1-part empowering. 1-part to the point. 2-parts aspirational. In my opinion, after helping multiple coaches scale to 7-figs if I may add is the perfect recipe for an iconic coaching brand. Sabrina’s sales pages are simple. There is no fluff. You know if a program is for you. And if it is, you want in. 

Lucy’s Aspirational Portfolio Project: I am a Rich Man 

Best in Fashion: Reformation

With references to nudity being sustainable and poking fun at trying too hard with their gorgeous line-up of effortless styles, reformation has a way of making you feel like you’re in the in-crowd with every line. Their brand voice definitely has a touch of exclusivity to it. And they combine it with wit and confidence for a voice you can’t get enough of. 

Hey hey! Let’s pause. Feeling inspired by all of these brand voices? Craft your own using my Brand Voice Template. 

Lucy’s Witty Portfolio Project: Senti 

Best in Finance: Ellevest

When it comes to investing, you want to trust where you’re putting your money. At the same time, you don’t want a pompous ‘over your head’ level of we’re the best. Ellevst does a beautiful job of combining an approachable brand voice with authoritative threads running throughout. Add a dash of ‘empowering’ in every sentence, you really do feel like you can invest even if you’ve never glanced at CNBC. 

Lucy’s Authoritative Portfolio Project: Women in the Boardroom

Best in Travel: Away

Away goes for the minimal brand voice. And yes, I’m fully aware that’s a design term. But what I mean by that is concise, simple, and approachable. What gives them the edge that got them in this blog post is the way they’re able to infuse inspiration in this hyper-simple voice. You want to travel and that suitcase feels like a catalyst for that goal, not a bag. Simply brilliant. 

Lucy’s Minimal Portfolio Project: Villie 

Best in Marketing: High Moon Studio

This brand knows who they serve. And they serve them well. At least from a copy standpoint. With confidence oozing out of every word, they call out their ideal client. They also perfectly toy that line between exclusive cool and inclusive simplicity. By playing with both sides of all spectrums, they nail that editorial style in both their design and language. 

Lucy’s Cool Portfolio Project: Elizabeth Rowan Yoga

Hey hey! Let’s pause. Feeling inspired by all of these brand voices? Craft your own using my Brand Voice Template. 

Best in Healthcare: Tend

First of all, any brand that makes going to the dentist look pleasant deserves a gold star. Tend calls their offices ‘studios’ which is a brilliant copywriting decision. They exude trust, but more importantly ease and delight in their brand voice. With concise statements that make you feel like you’re in good (cheery!) hands, you might actually book a dental appointment and not hate going. 

Lucy’s Cheerful Portfolio Project: The Shine Plan

Love this article? Save it for inspiration or share it with a friend who loves discovering great brands. 

And if you’re inspired to create your own brand voice, grab the Brand Voice Template right here. 


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