Fire up your messaging.
Spark sales.

With a Copy Roast™. The zesty consultation that gives you actionable writing advice, strategic messaging insights, and verbal edits to let your copy blaze brightly online.

What the heck is a
Copy Roast™?

Ever heard of a copywriting audit? Yes? Awesome. Well, this is not a regular audit. It’s a cool audit. And by cool, I mean scorching hot. 

Send your lukewarm copy into my lair (if you dare;)) I’ll send it back with specific wording edits and strategic messaging insights on how you can make it more catchy, captivating, and converting.

 What Gets Roasted

3-4 Page of
Web Copy


1 Long-Form
Sales Page


A Welcome Sequence (Up to 5 emails)

From cold copy to smoldering sentences 

Has your copy been feeling a little chilly lately? Like it’s fine, but it doesn’t feel enticing. And you want that smoky ‘YES’ energy comin’ in hot whenever your ideal buyer lands in your world.

Right now, you may be here. We’ll call this cold copy.

You feel like other people in your industry are a total vibe, and you want that kind of magnetic pull in your business.

Brand voice? Yours is either safe or nonexistent. And I know you have a ton of personality to unleash online.

Your copy isn’t just strong, it’s fiery. And by fiery, I mean oozing with personality and ‘need this now’ energy.

Chasing? Who’s she? You’re effortlessly attracting your ideal client with messaging that speaks to their soul.

Saturated markets don’t scare you. You’re a standout brand that’s crazy memorable. 

Get Roasted. You’ll get that nice char on your copy. This way, your fiery sentences can pull people in immediately.

People might be clicking off of your site before they get to the good part (aka the part where you get paid)

Your sales numbers aren’t where you want them to be. Because let’s be real, your offer is freakin’ epic.

You feel a little shaky + unclear when you talk about your offers. Like you know what you do, but that ultra-concise ‘this is us’ statement feels murky to you and your clients.

But with a Copy Roast, you can skip to the red side.

People are gushing about your offers and referring basically everyone they know. 

Sales! Sales while you sleep, scroll, and mimosa. Because copy works for you 24 hours a day. And yours is working.

Ultimate clarity. People know what you offer and if they’re the right client. This leads to whipping out credit cards and not asking questions.

Ready to put your feelings aside and light up your business with copy that works?

 What you get out of a roast

Action Steps for
Quality Copy

Within just a few minutes, I’ll know exactly where your copy is holding you back. But pointing out mistakes is rude + unhelpful. The magic is showing you how to make your copy stronger and giving you verbal edits that make reworking your messaging an ‘under an hour’ task.


A Memorable
Brand Voice

I can sniff out wordy sections and a generic tone like a bloodhound. To stand out online, you need to go all in on your brand personality. That’s why I go beyond conciseness and sales psychology in these roasts. Let’s make your copy sound like you’re talking to your best friend on a West Elm couch. Unless you’re going for a whole intimidating Komodo dragon vibe.


More Sales

Someone had to say it. You’re not investing in a roast because you’d like a toasty s’more. You want sales. Lucky for you, copy has a major impact on whether or not your ideal client takes action or not. So let’s make sure we’re zapping confusion and making you a ‘hell yes’ choice.


Believe it or not - a burned ego is not one of the deliverables. I’m a much nicer in person than on my sales pages. Expect easy-to-implement solutions that’ll improve your messaging and set you up for high sales months. 

But it’s not just messaging advice

A Copy Roast can usually uncover deeper issues in your business. Because unclear messaging sometimes points to things like convoluted offers, inconsistent strategy, and a lack of directional clarity. 

So if your entire business or offer feels ‘off’ and you can’t put your finger on it– make sure you get a Wildfire Consulting Hour. The back-and-forth deep dive nature might help you save thousands on a coach if we can uncover the big-picture holes that are holding you back.

You get all of this wrapped up in your pretty lil’ Burn Book

This personalized mini-book contains your entire roast video.

Trust me, implementing your roast suggestions will not be hard. And remember, intentional tweaks lead to sales peaks.

Get Roasted

Get Roasted ➛

 “After the Wildfire Consulting Hour, I felt super clear on the direction I should take my business and what I need to showcase on my website to become a leader in my industry.”

— Chantal Stevens —

“The copy roast is an absolute no-brainer price, and now I feel so confident in my sales copy. I know these changes are going to massively increase my conversion.”

— Jordan King —

“No sugarcoating. She gave me very doable actions that I can take to correct my copy and make it convert. Now, I’m eager to get in there and make the changes she suggested.”

— Andrea Dickerson —

Book a Roast

The Classic Roast

This pre-recorded package includes a comprehensive Burn Book with:
- A video roasting your copy

*This option is ideal if your copy feels like it’s ‘off’ and you want to make it more effective.

Investment: $450

The Wildfire Consulting Hour

This package includes:
- A 1-hour messaging consulting call 
- A recording of your Wildfire Consulting Hour in your Burn Book

*This option is ideal if you’re struggling with clarity in your business, offerings, mission, and vision. We go deep.

Investment: $750 

They made it. You can too.

 You really want to get roasted? You sure? Okay — here’s how it works.

Honestly very impressed by your bravery right now.

Book a Roast

First things first, we need to make things official. Choose whether you want a classic recorded roast or if you’d like to book a Wildfire Consulting Hour

The Classic Roast

This pre-recorded package includes a comprehensive Burn Book with:
- A video roasting your copy

Investment: $450

Wildfire Consulting Hour

This package includes:
A 1-hour messaging consulting call 

+ A recording of your Wildfire Consulting Hour 

Investment: $750  

Send Me Your Copy

Once you’re in, it’s time to send over your word victims. As soon as you check out, you’ll receive your next steps on how to get them to me.

Remember, you’ll send:
3-4 Pages of Web Copy  or
1 Long-Form Sales Page  or 
A Welcome Sequence (Up to 5 Emails) 

*if you’re doing a Wildfire Consulting Hour, sending copy is optional. Some choose to use this session to workshop from-scratch copy or talk about deep messaging gaps. 

Get Roasted

I enter my lair, aka a Zoom room, and waste no time. If you chose the recorded roast, I’ll record a video where I’m going through your copy and giving you actionable advice on how to make it pop.

If you choose to attend a Wildfire Consulting Hour. My team is saying a prayer for you. As soon as you check out, we’ll set up an hour-long slot for you and me to workshop your copy and solidify your messaging.  There will be plenty of time for you to ask questions and for me to help you with clarity on how your business communicates.

Get Roasted

Get Roasted ➛

Roast Results

See how Sarah turned her Live Roast into a profesh website

About Your Roaster

Hey there, I’m Lucy. When I’m not setting fire to sentences, you can find me...writing them. That’s right, you’re getting messaging advice right from the source. A copywriter who has written over 3 million words in the past year. Thanks, Grammarly, for tracking that metric *cue hand cramp stretches*. Aside from writing copy for global fashion brands, world-famous bakeries, 7-figure coaches, large SaaS companies, and multi-million dollar product launch campaigns – I’ve helped business owners make much-needed pivots, define their message, and scorch copy that’s holding them back.

Feeling brave? I think it’s time you face the fire.

Book a Roast

The Classic Roast

This pre-recorded package includes a comprehensive Burn Book with:
- A video roasting your copy

*This option is ideal if your copy feels like it’s ‘off’ and you want to make it more effective.

Investment: $450

The Wildfire Consulting Hour

This package includes:
A 1-hour messaging consulting call 
+ A recording of your Wildfire Consulting Hour 

*This option is ideal if you’re struggling with clarity in your business, offerings, mission, and vision. We go deep.

Investment: $750 


What can I submit for a Copy Roast™?

You can submit 3-4 pages of web copy, 1 long-form sales page, or up to 5 emails in your welcome sequence.

I can’t choose between a classic roast or a wildfire consulting hour, can you help?

Sure thing! The best way to think about it is that a classic roast is a fiery audit, and a Wildfire Consulting Hour is a very blunt messaging-based coaching call. If you’re really struggling with your messaging, want to clarify your offers, and like being able to ask questions…100% you should be booking the Wildfire Consulting Hour. If your copy is lukewarm and you want expert eyes to tell you how to fix it, a classic roast should be perfect. 

In a nutshell, just copy struggles - book a Classic roast. Deep messaging struggles and a lack of clarity on your offers and business – I better see you in that live call.

Do you do any of the writing?

Nope. If you want me to write for ya, you’re going to have to book a VIP Day. But by booking a copy roast™, you’re saving over $1500 (probably more tbh - copywriting is a hefty investment) and getting verbal suggestions that you can type into your copy. And remember, you’re also getting written notes so you can use those to implement the changes. Trust me: I make your job of implementation super easy. 

How do I know if I need a copy roast™?

Copy feels ‘off.’ Low sales. Not being memorable. Struggling to stand out. People asking you a lot of questions about what you *actually* sell. These are all symptoms that point to subpar copy. But it’s also sometimes a gut feeling. If you just feel like your writing isn’t there and people aren’t connecting…there is definitely room for improvement. 

When should I book a roast?

Anytime, really. I find that super good opportunities are when you’re rebranding, just starting out, making a major pivot, or launching a new offer. 

How long is my roast video?

I don’t charge by the word, because word count doesn’t matter. What matters is how many words it takes me to get my point across. Same goes for the roast. Live roasts are an hour, but recorded roasts are as long as it takes me to give you fiery feedback that’ll elevate your business. For most, this is between 15-25 minutes.

How many pages can I submit?

I don’t give a page limit, but be reasonable. If you hand me super long pages of web copy, I’ll only be able to give you a surface roast. If you give me a small or medium-sized amount, I can go much deeper.

What happens if I can’t make my live call?

No worries, we can always reschedule. But make sure you tell me 72 hours in advance. If not, I charge a $100 change fee because I blocked off that time for you. 

What happens after a roast?

I check on you. Make sure you’re doing okay. Give some referrals to really nice support groups. No. You’ll be fine, but I will check up on you. This is to make sure I can clarify any questions you have, so you can implement the roast notes. 

How long is my recording held for me?

90 days. Then I can’t promise that it’ll continue to be hosted on my Zoom account. I encourage you to save your video.